The Play Revolution

What we delivered
Brand identity

AGDA Awards Finalist 2015 / Branding

Play is one of the most effective tools for keeping human relationships fresh and exciting. Playing together for the fun of it brings joy, vitality and resilience. 

The Play Revolution is an energetic team that are trained to go into any workplace that is suffering from disconnection and staff friction and help them out of it through activities, creativity and play.
The Play Kit

The brand for The Play Revolution needed to be much more than just a traditional logo. We wanted to create a tool that was playful and encouraged creativity while also being recognisable as The Play Revolution. 

This is how we came to develop the Play Kit. 

The Play Kit is a system of pieces—much like Meccano pieces—that can be joined together to form shapes. These connections represent the connections within a workplace that The Play Revolution is helping their clients repair. 
There is a strict yet simple formula for creating the Play Kit pieces — as illustrated below. Keeping within these guidelines delivers a consistency of brand, while also allowing a great deal of creativity in application.
We achieved a combination of playfulness and creativity while still having a strong brand that would be taken seriously by a crew of 50 lawyers who were being asked to play an egg and spoon race.

The final logo was built following the Play Tool Kit rules within a strict grid. 

A comprehensive brand guidelines accompanied the brand, ready for all future uses.